Faith & Growth

2018 : a Year of Rain

I am a firm believer in the power of reflection. Reflecting on accomplishments, failures, changes, relationships, dreams, and everything in between. As my pastor often says “We can’t do better or be better until we know better”, and I believe the best way to know better is to reflect on the past. This means we write things down, we talk about them with friends, we thank God for them! This blog post is my reflection.

Over the past week the hottest trend on all of social media has been to post a picture of your favorite or best memory of every month of 2018. While I love this trend, I also love writing it down and I love putting into words special moments. So here it goes, 12 of my favorite moments from 2018.

January: My home church held a ground breaking ceremony for the construction that will expand our property and grow our impact in our community

February: I attended a regional Leadership Retreat with my new Delight Coleaders that would become some of my closest friends and biggest encouragers though out the year

March: 3 life long besties took a Spring Break Vacay Trip to the beach and Savannah that included so many laughs and lots of HGTV

April: I led a Delight meeting with my girl Victoria that allowed me to share some of my deepest thoughts and strengthened my tendencies to be boldly vulnerable

May: There was a super fun and much deserved weekend get away with my manz and his family

June: My Family moved out of our home of 13 year and into my parents new fixer upper (man there was LOTS of reminiscing that happened then)

July: My best friend, high school sweetheart, and the love of my life asked me to be his wife on a day that should have been all about celebrating HIS accomplishments

August: I moved into a dollhouse sized apartment with two of my besties and started my 3rd semester at UWG

September: Delight had a super rad kick off event that established an awesome group of girls that would attend over the semester and create so many new friendships

October: I found my bride tribe, wedding venue, and my WEDDING DRESS (still not sure this is real life)

November: I saw Ed Sheehan with my manz and sang REALLY loudly along with every song (but especially “Kiss Me” because that’s our first song and probs my fave by Eddie)

December: I spent Christmas with my family and took the time to relax, reflect, and get ready for all the blessings, challenges, and adventures to come in 2019

So there it is – 12 super rad things that happened in 2018. But these things didn’t just happen. They were seeds planted. Those seeds were watered. The rain came, the wells filled, and the cups overflowed. Seeds sprouted, flowers bloomed, and the Lord turned my dirt plot into a vibrant flower garden. So as I reflect on 2018, I am thankful for the rain, and I admire the flowers. Entering 2019 with a flower garden is not something I’ll take for granted. Lord bring me rain in 2019.

I pray that 2019 brings you rain and holy, life-giving water. I pray that the Lord blesses you. I pray that you set goals and reach for your dreams. I pray that every day you acknowledge the blessings in your life and admire the flowers that have bloomed around you.

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