Faith & Growth

  • The war between churches and The Church

    There is a war going on right now. I’ve felt it. I’ve experienced it. And we can’t turn a blind eye to it any more. There is a war between churches and The Church. This war isn’t new, but it is getting bigger and more dangerous. The war between churches and The church isn’t a physical one, but one that tears at our hearts. We confuse the ideas and we forget which side we are really fighting for. We lose sight of the ultimate goal and we dig deeper into the trenches. First and foremost, we have to know what the differences are between churches and The Church. First, grammatically we can see…

  • The Ultimate Gardener

    I hate change. From as early on as I can remember I have hated change, and the last few years have been FULL of it! In the last 3 years I have moved in and out of 2 family homes, 3 college apartments, and moved into my first place with my husband. I graduated high school, went to college, changed my major, and am now preparing for what life might look like after graduation. I lost a lot of friends, made a lot of new ones, and reconnected with old ones. I went from dating through engagement and into marriage with my High School sweet heart. So needless to say,…

  • When it feels like He’s not there

    In January I set myself a whole list of goals. My list was color coded and organized by  month. I was dreaming big for 2019. Then February happened. February was the kind of month that would make anyone want to stay in bed for days. And if February was an 11 out of 10 on the sucky scale, March was a 12. Now here we are 6 days into April and my color coded goal list looks a lot more like a grocery list before you make it to the store than a successful portfolio of change and growth. My pantry is full of all comfort foods instead of the yummy…

  • 2018 : a Year of Rain

    I am a firm believer in the power of reflection. Reflecting on accomplishments, failures, changes, relationships, dreams, and everything in between. As my pastor often says “We can’t do better or be better until we know better”, and I believe the best way to know better is to reflect on the past. This means we write things down, we talk about them with friends, we thank God for them! This blog post is my reflection. Over the past week the hottest trend on all of social media has been to post a picture of your favorite or best memory of every month of 2018. While I love this trend, I…

  • 2017: a Lesson in Peace, Patience, and Perfect Timing

    This year has been super crazy, super busy, and super AMAZING. When this year started, I was still in high school. I was living in my hometown with everyone I’ve grown up with. I was doing what I have always done. Then happened graduation and with it a lot of changes to my life. To be honest, this summer had me asking all kinds of questions. I was undecided in major, which means I had no answer to the “what are you going to study?” question that everyone kept asking me. I was about to have to leave my home church of 12 years along with all my volunteer positions. I…