• Why Every Woman Needs a Girl Gang

    In every rom com, drama, and chick flick, there’s a Girl Gang. According to my own version of the dictionary a “Girl Gang” is defined as a group of 2 or more girls who hang out, share secrets, talk about boys, cry together, and are always there for each other. Girl gangs come in all shapes and sizes and stages of life. Some girl gangs last for a few months and some girl gangs last a life time! Since I was super little, I’ve always dreamed of what my girl gang would look like, but it wasn’t until I was in high school that I found my first Girl Gang! I had had…

  • Dear Mom and Dad

    Often times I go through life taking for granted the enormous amount of blessings that have been poured on me, but other times, including as I write this, I find myself brought to tears at the marvelous blessing of being a child of God. And today that also means being overwhelmed by the blessing of being a daughter to my amazing parents. As a college kid, this is probably the blog you’re expecting me to write the least. But here I am, acknowledging just how stinkin awesome my parents really are and just how awesome my life has been. Yeah, you read that right. My Parents Are Awesome. And awesome people deserve to be thanked,…

  • 2017: a Lesson in Peace, Patience, and Perfect Timing

    This year has been super crazy, super busy, and super AMAZING. When this year started, I was still in high school. I was living in my hometown with everyone I’ve grown up with. I was doing what I have always done. Then happened graduation and with it a lot of changes to my life. To be honest, this summer had me asking all kinds of questions. I was undecided in major, which means I had no answer to the “what are you going to study?” question that everyone kept asking me. I was about to have to leave my home church of 12 years along with all my volunteer positions. I…