Woman Power

The Influence of Awesome Women

What makes us who we are? Is it genetics? Does it have to do with where or how we were raised? Is it just up to destiny? There are so many factors that play into how we become who we are. While I believe that the most powerful factor of our development is a Heavenly Creator and Father:

“As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.” Jeremiah 18:6b

I also believe that one of the Lord’s favorite methods of influencing and shaping us comes through the lives of other people. This can be seen over and over again in scripture through mentorships, friendships, and even the lineage of Jesus. But if you really stop and think about it, I bet that you can identify some positive influencers in your life as well. I bet you can remember the first person who told you that they believed in you or the person you first wanted to be like when you grew up. I bet there have been people who have taught you lessons, who have shaped you, who have helped you to become you.

Lately I have been reflecting on my life and who the Lord has called me to be. There are so many aspects that make me ME, and I truly believe that the only way to get better is to know better. I want to be better at being me. I want to discover the best ways to be an amazing woman, leader, wife, friend, daughter, and one day mom. I am so thankful to have had amazing examples of these kinds of women in my life. I am thankful to have women in my life that teach me and influence me in the most positive ways. So here’s to amazing women and some of the most powerful lessons they’ve demonstrated to me:

  • My Mom: It is totally possible to be a hot mom, loving wife, and a powerful work woman at the same time
  • My Sister: Being yourself is FUN
  • My Grandma: Families should laugh together
  • My Grandma: There’s nothing that a family dinner can’t fix
  • My Family Ministries Pastor: Women belong in ministry. In fact, they are essential for its success
  • My “Second Mom”: Loving people comes in many forms, but action is the most effective.
  • A Church Greeter and Assistant Principal: Intentionality is essential to relationships.
  • A Past Small Group Leader: Find something you’re passionate about and DO IT! The success and pride will be so worth it
  • A High School Teacher and now Assistant Principal: Being smart is cool, and working hard to keep learning is even cooler
  • A High School Math Teacher: Math runs the world and is so essential to the way things grow and change, and it is totally okay to love it
  • A High School Spanish Teacher: People recognize kindness, and they remember it
  • My Ministry Coleader: Scripture gives a special role of service to women that creates community and represents a Christ- like love
  • A Missionary: Sometimes things don’t go our way, that doesn’t mean that we did anything wrong, it only means that there is something better coming
  • A Mentor and Friend: Being a woman means I am Powerful, Worthy, and Treasured

I could go on and on listing even more amazing women and the kinds of lessons they have demonstrated and those which have shaped the woman I have become. Each of these women has taught me a lesson, but more than that, they have demonstrated the kind of woman I want to be. The kind of woman who never stops learning. Who pursues relationships intentionally and wholeheartedly. The kind of woman who is known for kindness and love. The kind of woman that leaves a mark.

As I think on who I am, how I’ve become her, and how I hope to grow her, I can’t help but to acknowledge the kind of women who have shaped me, influenced me, and loved me. So thank you to those women. And those men. And all those who intentionally or unintentionally shaped me.

I hope that you’ll take the time to think about yourself, and I hope even more that in doing so you’ll be led to think about others, about the good in them. I hope that this reminds you of how intentional, careful, thoughtful, and loving our Father is. The Father that ensures our lives our woven together. The quilt of our lives is messy and diverse and colorful, but it is so intricately woven together by the hands of the greatest artist that our hearts can imagine.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

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